The Bristlemoon Story

Bristlemoon was formed when our founder, George Hadjia, returned home to his native Sydney after being based in New York City for more than five years.

While in NYC, George built a valuable network of investor contacts as well as insights into how some of the world’s most successful investment firms operate. He saw an opportunity to bring this knowledge and experience back to the Australian market and implement those learnings by founding Bristlemoon.

We believe successful investing requires both compounding and surviving. Our name is a portmanteau that captures both elements. The name serves as a constant reminder that the work we do should be to identify businesses that have the ability to compound their intrinsic values at exceptional rates, and to do so with longevity.


The bristlecone pine is the oldest surviving tree in the world, having lived for almost 5,000 years.

You only need to fold a piece of paper 42 times for it to reach the moon, a reminder of the wonders of compounding.

Our Mission

Our mission is to compound our partners' capital at attractive rates over the long term.

We seek to fulfil our mission mainly by investing in high quality compounder businesses that have the following characteristics:

  • Highly defensible positions that become more entrenched with scale;

  • The ability to reinvest earnings at high rates of return; and

  • Mispriced future earnings power

Our research-intensive fundamental approach is used to identify and invest in stocks that we believe have the highest compounding potential.

The Bristlemoon Values

  • Integrity

    Conducting ourselves with integrity in all that we do.

  • Partnership

    Our employees and our clients are our partners, and our partners are like family.

  • Alignment

    Substantially all our liquid net worth will be invested alongside our partners.

  • Humility

    We are not infallible, and hold our convictions loosely.

  • Growth mindset

    Investing is a journey of lifelong learning best suited to those who are intellectually curious.

  • Probabilistic thinking

    The only certainty is uncertainty.

  • Patience

    Our time horizon is our edge, and we seek like-minded partners to build an enduring business together.

  • Intensity

    Staying hungry and performing at the highest level for our clients.